My Awesomely Random Life (and Everything in Between)

Posts tagged ‘photography’

Friday Faves

Well hey there, guys! Guess what?

IT’S FRI-YAY!!! I mean Friday.

It’s been another busy (and exciting) one over here this past week. On Tuesday I got to sit on a panel of other instructors and deans to judge the 2015 Westwood Scholarship. It was so great to see the hard work that these students put in, the dedication and drive that was so overtly apparent in each and every entry. It was hard to pick a favorite and I am looking forward to seeing who wins. If that wasn’t enough excitement for one week on Wednesday I, along with most of our student body and faculty, spent most of the afternoon down in our campus’ basement due to tornado warnings. Good times, good times. Thankfully no one was hurt or major damage was done, however if I’m being honest, I was definitely more than a little scared. Okay. A lot. I was a lot scared.

Did I mention that I’m deathly afraid of anything tornadic-related?

Good gravy.

It was a good thing I wasn’t blown away Dorothy-style because this weekend is shaping up to be another goody. Tonight the sis and I are kicking off the weekend right by heading downtown to see one of my friend’s band play. Good music, tasty drinks and some pretty awful dancing does a great Friday night make! On Saturday I’m hoping to squeeze in some pool time, possibly hitting up the South Platte River Fest and then on Sunday, we’ve got our second softball game of the season.


Now THAT is what I call a weekend, my friends!

I hope that wherever you are, and whatever you do, that you have a wonderful weekend! But in the meantime, please enjoy my favorite finds from around the web and beyond in this week’s Friday Faves!

Favorite YESSSSS!!! Today we got to watch history happen. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that states cannot ban same-sex marriage. I think POTUS put it best when he said, “”Those countless, often anonymous heroes–they deserve our thanks. They should be very proud. America should be very proud.” Love wins. Always.


Favorite Surprise: When I walked into the library this morning, I found a beautiful pink carnation sitting on my keyboard. To the very sweet mystery person who left this for me, thank you! What a wonderful way to kick off my Friday! (and it’s kind of perfect timing because I definitely forgot to put on the deodorant this morning!)


Favorite Memory Maker: This past weekend one of my besties came to visit and I’m not even joking when I say that it was probably one of the best weekends ever. Top five for sure! From climbing an ‘F’ing mountain and Brewer gaming (and meeting my future husband Jimmy Nelson!!!!) it up, to meeting great friends and getting down and dirty on the softball field, it was just. so. great! My face still hurts from smiling and laughing so much (not a bad ailment to have for sure)!




Favorite bite: Cinnamon French Toast Bites. Be still my miniature-food-loving heart! How adorable!! Cinnamon-Sugar-French-Toast-Bites-2

Favorite Page-Turner: I had been on my library’s waiting list for this book for weeks (which in my world translates to forever) so I finally decided to just go out and buy it. And ohmygoodnessamigladidid! I was a huge fan of Liane Moriarty’s Big Little Lies so I knew that her follow-up book, The Husband’s Secret would be just as good, if not more. And boy was it! Let’s just say that if you start reading it, plan on canceling all and any plans for the next four hours. You will not be able to put it down!


Favorite Funny: Pretty sure I laughed until I cried peed. “I’m like regular Mike. Except Magic.” Dead. Jimmy Fallon, you did it again.

Favorite travel: Havasu Falls, AZ. This picture is equal parts barf-inducing (don’t look down!) and exhilarating. Havasu Falls inside the Grand Canyon has been on my must-see list for a few years now, and this is by far the coolest view I’ve seen of it.


Favorite treat: Healthy Greek Yogurt Chocolate Fudge Pops. Oh man, when I was little those Jello Chocolate Pudding Pops were ma JAM. Can’t even imagine how delicious these must be and bonus that they’re made with Greek Yogurt. Must have for the summer!


Favorite fashion. Super cute little summer outfit. Love the coral with the black chevron pattern.


Favorite photo. I am all about the burgers lately! The photo of this Aussie Burger with the Lot stopped me dead in my tracks. I mean come. on.


Favorite furball. Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about! Hopefully I’ll be able to do a bit of the same this weekend.


Friday Favs

Well hey there, guys!

I hope you all are having a smashing Friday so far! It has been such a long week on my end. Winter has officially arrived here in Denver (I knew those 70 degree days would come back to bite us in the keester) and I don’t like it one bit. I know I shouldn’t be complaining as it is winter after all, and it’s supposed to snow and get colder than a well-digger’s hinny every once in a while, but good gracious…I want me some summer.

Anywhoo, other than the royal beating Mother Nature surprised us with this past week, things have been good. Like, really good. I’m kicking butt and taking names at the library and while it has only been two weeks since I started, I really feel like I am becoming a part of the campus community. I’ve gotten to know the amazing and inspiring students and the faculty/staff are the bee’s knees. I can honestly and for the first time say that I love my job. That is a pretty amazing feeling and I am so incredibly lucky and grateful.

This weekend it’s supposed to be cold and snowy out, perfect weather to stay in and snuggle up with your favorite person, have a ravenous Netflix marathon and eat all of the pizza. At least that’s what’s on the docket for me. 😉

Whatever your plans are, I hope you have a splendiferious Saturday and Sunday but before you head off to Fun Town, be sure to check out my finds from around the web and more in this week’s edition of Friday Favs.

Favorite What the What???: Say yes to the #dressgate. This had me, as well as everyone’s second cousin’s twice removed husband’s grandmother’s uncle’s wife going completely crazy last night. But this tweet from Jaden Smith might have been the thing to put me over the edge. So the question is: Are you team white/gold or blue/black? Just in case you were wondering, the dress is TOTALLY WHITE AND GOLD!!!


Favorite Wild Goose Llama Chase: I’m not gonna lie; I was captivated by this yesterday. CAPTIVATED! Who knew llamas were so bad-ass?! Speaking of llamas…my friend Chris introduced me to this amazingness and  I haven’t stopped thanking him yet. So ridiculously ridiculous. CARRRRRLLLLL!


Favorite Jam: I love me some Ed Sheeran and this tune is currently on repeat! P.S. He obviously learned his dance moves from me. Obviously. Or not.

Favorite bite: Cookies & Cream Popcorn. One of my best friends and I used to hoard Hershey’s Cookies & Cream mini chocolate bars in our lockers, which were right next to each other, freshman year of high school. It was all fun and games until the boys on either side of us discovered our locker combinations and stole our entire stash. ‘Twas a sad day indeed. I would keep this stuff under lock and KEY!

Favorite vantage point. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this super-cool wedding shot before. Ladies – keep this one in mind for any impending nuptials!

Favorite indulge: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies with Sea Salt. So simple. So divine. So want dozens and dozens of them right now…

Favorite pooch. Rawr. 😉


Favorite view: Montalcino, Tuscany, Italy. I. want. to. go. to. there.


Favorite sweet: Slutty Blondies. If craving promiscuous blondies is wrong, I don’t want to be right!


Favorite Funny: Just a normal, everyday text convo with the sis. Sometimes we are too much even for me! #ImActuallyJesus










Friday Fav’s

Well hello there, friends and a very happy Friday to ya!

Cliché as it may sound, this week has flown by. Like, ‘Superman who just drank five Redbulls’ fast! And I’m really not complaining. Work has been slower than a turtle in a sloth’s costume sitting in Denver traffic lately (overkill on the analogies?) and it’s really just all of the worst. Luckily, there are now only 9 more days until I have two whole weeks of sweet, sweet vacation! Only nine more days until I am reunited with my crazy family. Only nine more days until I kick off the most epic of Christmas celebrations to date! ONLY NINE MORE DAYS!!!!

But who’s counting, really?

Because there are only nine more days until I am gone for two whole weeks, I have a feeling that this weekend will be spent packing my life away. I’m one of those weirdos who likes to have everything ready to go well ahead of time (I know, right. So annoying.) Plus, when it comes to packing, I suck. I mean, how does one fit only 4 9 books into a carry-on suitcase?! And I guess I should pack some clothes and maybe a toothbrush too, huh? Ugh. The whole process is just so stressful!

So when you’re out and about this weekend doing some last minute Christmas shopping and cookie baking eating, think of me, knee-deep in jeans and paperbacks.

But in the meantime, please check out my finds from around the web and more in this week’s Friday Fav’s!

P.S. I wanted to share some exciting new with y’all!! A blog post of mine was recently featured on one of the coolest sites around,! You can check it out here. The other exciting news? They asked me to be a regular contributor to the site!!! I’m still trying to process it all, but I am pretty darn excited! And honored! And oh so grateful!

Favorite funny: 21 Actual Analogies Used by High School Students in English Essays.  Speaking of analogies…I found this floating around Facebook the other day and was dyying. #14…I can’t even.


Favorite Christmas breakfast: Cinnamon-Pumpkin Waffles with a Caramel Syrup. I saw this photo on my Instagram feed a few days ago and my mouth instantly began to water. I want to take a swim in that caramel syrup!


Favorite steal/obsession: How I am just finding out about now is a travesty because let me tell you, it’s the best thing since sliced bread! You can find all of your favorite books (gently used) for under $8! I KNOW! I just got myself a couple of early Christmas presents yesterday (okay, it was more like 12). I have a feeling this website is going to be dangerous. Great Christmas gift idea for all book lovers in your life!


Favorite Bookish Find: On those cold winter nights, you can read in bed while bundled up in your fuzzy book blanket! Need. Want. Must have.


Favorite Seasonal Slurp: Homemade White Hot Chocolate. Yummazing. I’m a fan of all things hot chocolate, but white hot chocolate?! Now you’re speaking my language!


Favorite Chrismas Coooookie: Classic. Simple. Tradition. A perfect dunking vessel for that cup of White Hot Chocolate. 🙂


Favorite Take Me There: The spot of the world’s first Christmas tree, the Tallinn Square Market in Estonia is one of the most picturesque holiday locales I have seen! Stunning!


Favorite Lesson: THIS is what Christmas is really all about. The little dude with the blanket was wise beyond his years.

Favorite Fur Ball: Santa Pup! Too much cuteness!


Have a great weekend, guys!

Friday Fav’s

Happy Friday, all! 😀

Wow, I kind of thought today would never come. Maybe it was the fact that Mother Nature decided to go all renegade on us, dropping the temps and the snow, full-force. I am definitely not a morning person. Couple that with having to crawl out of my comfy and cozy blanket fort/bed to face the bitter cold to go to work and you’ve got one grouchy McGrouchster. On the plus side of things, all of this winter weather business has definitely gotten me into the Christmas mood.

There. I said it.

Usually I try to ward off all carols, candy canes, gifts and decorating until at least the day after Thanksgiving, but this year, I’m struggling guys. We decorated our office yesterday afternoon and with the tree right outside of my office door and Frosty the snowman looking spying at me through my window, how can I not get all festive?! Plus, Turkey day is so late this year that if I wait until after to get all Christma-fied, there won’t be a heck of a lot of time to soak it all in.

And I’m a gal who needs a lot of Christmas soakage.

That is why, I here by declare it to be fully okay to drink eggnog, put up your tinsel and get on with your bad-gift wrapping self!

Or at least that’s what I’m planning on doing this weekend.

Okay, maybe not so much the decorating part…yet…but I am definitely getting a jumpstart on my Christmas gift making. Yes, I said making. Every year I try to find some funky and cool thing to make all of my friends and this Christmas is no different. I’m kind of anal when it comes to what I make (and don’t even get me started on the whole Christmas Card process!) and it takes me a good while to make sure everything is perfect, right down to the very last bow and ribbon. You can see why I like to get started ASAP! I’ve got something really cool this year that I’m doing (all I can say is that as far as gifts go, it will definitely be my friends’ “cup of tea.” 🙂

I hope you have a fantabulous (and warm) weekend ahead of you, and in the meantime, feel free to check out my favorite finds from the web and more in this week’s Friday Fav’s!

Favorite truth. Ummm, yeah. Like, every Saturday and Sunday…


Favorite seasonal treat: Hot Cocoa Cookies. Now that we’ve finally got some snow on the ground, these hot cocoa-inspired sweet treats sound sooo yummy. Pair these babies with a giant cup of whipped cream, I mean hot cocoa, and you’re all set!


Favorite geek need: Cable Clips. This sounds ridiculous, but nothing annoys me more than when I unplug a cord from my laptop and it falls off the table and onto the floor. Just one of those things!


Favorite wow: Thorn Crown Chapel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. You have to checkout these pictures. What an amazing place!


Favorite picture: 6-Layer Rich Chocolate Malted & Toasted-Marshmallow Cake. Per-fec-tion!


Favorite pooch. CAN I HAVE HIM?!


Favorite view: Streets of Najac, France. I wonder if these people wake up everyday thinking, “I get to LIVE here!”


Favorite reading nook: Book Nook Tents!! I mean, I’d never want to leave. Like, ever. How cool!!!


Favorite cookie crave: Chocolate Chip Cookie Mousse Bomb. This recipe makes me sublimely happy. Cookies on top of cookies topped with chocolate. ‘Nuff said. 😉


Favorite funny: 20 Puns That TOTALLY Nailed it! I am nothing if not a pun-connoisseur and these my friends are ALL of the best! They’re a lot like Cheetos Puffs; so bad, they’re absolutely delicious! 😉


Friday Fav’s

Well hello there.

I can’t believe it’s already Friday (but I’m not complaining). I’m not sure what it’s like where you are, but we’re supposed to see record high temps both today, tomorrow and Sunday here in Denver and I am LOVING it! Yes, I love my fall to Reece’s Pieces, but I also love not having to turn on my heat, going for runs in the mornings before work without the extra padding of puffy coats getting in the way, and being able to sneak in one last final “Hurrah!” as far as my summer wardrobe is concerned. Call me a hopeless summer romantic, but I’m not quite ready to give up on you yet, especially when I know that the “s” word–which shall remain nameless–is just around the corner, along with its buddies ice, frost, and cold.


But in the meantime, you better believe your shorts I am going to soak up every minute of this wonderful weather! I’ve got a hike planned for tomorrow and may even try to get in a bike ride (I have yet to get my own set of wheels but you can rent them pretty much everywhere for the day which is really pretty neat if you ask me). I also have some last minute Halloween decorating to do. The kids in my neighborhood will be on the hunt for candy come this time next week and I want to make sure my pad is decked out.

Whatever your weekend plans are, I hope you have a bunch-a-crunch of fun! And to help get you started, please take a gander at my fav finds this week from the web and beyond! (said in Buzz Lightyear’s voice) 🙂

Favorite must-have: Simple Chocolate Birthday Cake with Whipped Chocolate Buttercream. I have never wished to turn another year older until this very moment. I NEED this cake in my life!!


Favorite find: Corso Como Sussex Boots. I’ve been looking for black boots that don’t look like serial killer boots for years, and think these might be it. So sleek!


Favorite gift: Gift in a Cup. As we get older it’s more difficult to figure out what to give friends for their birthdays. I love this idea for putting a bunch of fun little things in a reusable cup. Let’s someone know you’re thinking of them, but is also quick and easy to put together.


Favorite flashback: Iced Oatmeal Cookies. These gorgeous cookies reminded me of the sweet and crispy packaged cookies I used to eat as a kid. I bet these homemade ones are so much better!


Favorite take-me-there: Havasu Falls, AZ. This picture is equal parts barf-inducing (don’t look down!) and exhilarating. Havasu Falls inside the Grand Canyon has been on my must-see list for a few years now, and this is by far the coolest view I’ve seen of it.


Favorite upgrade: Mini Pretzel Dogs. Like pigs in a blanket except way, way better. Bravo. I’m even thinking you could turn these bad boys into mini mummies for your Halloween party. Your guests’ eyes, imaginations, and most importantly, stomachs will thank you!


Favorite truth. Own your weirdness. Rock your weirdness. Love your weirdness.

If you're going to be weird be confident about it_mini

Favorite tips: 10 Ways to Declutter Your Day. Wonderful ideas on how to stay focused throughout the day. I especially love the one about the laptop – if my work didn’t involve the computer/internet so much I’d be all over it!


Favorite must have/do: DIY Book Headboard. I mean. WHAT?! How amazingly amazing is this?! Would go perfect in my room and it’s so easy to do!! Double score!


Favorite Pooch: Pardon me, do you have any Milk Bones? Or Grey Poupon?


Favorite thing ever: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches. DYING over this creation. Sheer brilliance!


Friday Favs

Hey guys!

Happy Friday (more like FriYAY amiright?!)

I’ve got some exciting news to share with all of you. This morning I became a great aunt again (actually, it’s more like second cousin. I think?) My cousin Rachel just had her second bambino, a beautiful and healthy baby girl named Cora and I couldn’t be more happy for her and her growing family!! It’s times like these that really put things into perspective. The world can be a pretty hard place; I sometimes feel that everything is so negative, one of the reasons why I actually don’t like watching the news. But seeing these little blessings, these miracles that happen everyday all around us–whether it be a kind act from a stranger, laughs shared between good friends, and the first smile and snuggle from a newborn being introduced into this crazy thing we call life–it makes me appreciate the little things and be grateful for what I have. The world can be a pretty hard place, but it can also be pretty fantastic.

Between my cousin and the recent influx of high school and college pals who are preggers or who just welcomed their little ones into this world (how is that possible, by the way?! I’m not old enough to have friends having babies!! Or at least I don’t feel old enough. After all, we were just babies ourselves, not too long ago), I will admit. I’ve become a bit baby-feverish.  I know I’m not even close to being ready to have kids of my own, but I definitely would love to start a family, have a bunch of mini-me’s running around with their noses in books (or cookie jar).

All in good time, I suppose. But until then, I am more than happy having children of the four-legged and furry variety. Speaking of hairy children…I’m hoping to pick up my pup this weekend!!!! The animal shelter still has him on medical hold and is not quite ready to adopted yet, but the nice people at the Dumb Friend’s League here in Denver told me that it could be any day now.

Just a fair warning: You WILL be inundated with pictures. Pictures of him eating. Pictures of him sleeping. Pictures of him walking and pooping (and I’m not going to rule out pictures of him pooping WHILE walking. If he takes anything after his owner, he will be skilled in many an area). 😉

So that’s what’s a happening in my neck of the woods. How about you? Any exciting weekend plans?

Whatever you’ve got going on, I hope your Saturday and Sunday is filled with lots of fun, laughs, and endless amount of this amazingness! But in the meantime, feel free to check out my finds from around the web and more in this week’s edition of Friday Favs!

Favorite Read: My buddy Jim Gaffigan did it again, my friends. He is definitely one of my top five favorite comedians and in his latest book, Food: A Love Story, he doesn’t disappoint. I had to put the book down at times simply because I was afraid I was going to pee my pants from laughing so hard (which, as you can imagine, can get kind of awkward when you’re at work. Or at the corner Starbucks.) Do yourself a flavor and order this delicious page-turner!


Favorite treat: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookie. I can’t think of much more I want to do than sink my teeth into one of these chewy cookies studded with chocolate and peanut butter right now. O.M.G.


Favorite place. Lake? Check. Lounge chairs? Check. Fire? Check. BEER? CHECK! I’ll be here if ya’ need me. 🙂

Favorite quote. A. Men.


Favorite slurp: Crock Pot Minestrone Soup. Hearty, flavorful, AND made in a crock pot. What’s not to love?

Favorite pooch. I CANNOT even handle the cuteness. Cannot even. Looking forward to bringing this meatball home with me!


Favorite vantage point. Fantastic wedding day photo opp!

Favorite funny. Story of my life. Consider this my CrossFit Workout. No bag left behind!


Favorite sweet: White Chocolate Brownies. Cannot get over the gooey factor. These look like they’d melt in your mouth!

Favorite find: Unzipped Candy Dish. How freaking cute is this candy dish?! It’s a glass dish in the shape of an open plastic bag!

Favorite decor: Unique Fall Decorating Ideas for 2014. Must check these adorable ideas out – I particularly love the globe basket.


Favorite Nummmm: Brownie Batter Parfait. You have GOT to see this recipe – it is off the chain!!!


Friday Fav’s

Well hello there, dudes and dudets!

And just like that, it’s October and the end of another week!

On Tuesday I begged my co-worker to tell me it was Friday already. He panicked, telling me there was way too much left to do this week in order for it to be Friday, to which I responded, um, relax, I can’t actually bend the space-time continuum. Anyway, after a blink of an eye, here we are!

After a crazy week (and a stressful interview–which, btw’s, I haven’t heard anything YET!!! Grrrr….) I’m ready to relax this weekend, get some stuff done around the apartment, and put away my summer clothes for good. The 80s we’ve been experiencing are officially gone until next year (*sigh) so it’s time to bust out my fall wardrobe, aka five long sleeved shirts and two sweaters. Isn’t that kind of fun though? Pulling out old tops you forget about always feels like going shopping except you already know everything fits (well, hopefully!) and you don’t have to deal with trying anything on in those dreadful dressing rooms. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels like a troll in mall lighting?

Glad we’re on the same page.

Anyway, wherever you are and whatever you do have a wonderful weekend, and in the meantime please enjoy my Friday Fav’s from around the web and beyond!

Favorite photo: Pumpkin Crumb Muffins. I’m totally lusting over these muffins, but am even crazier for this shot. Fantastic!


Favorite nook: Anthropologie Inspired XOXO Pillow. The pillow this post is centered around is absolutely fabulous but I’m obsessed with this nook as a whole. Would make a perfect little reading/snuggle spot for a kid or adult.


Favorite funny: What News Anchors Do During Commercial Breaks. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. ‘Nuf said. HIGH-larious!

Favorite twist: Quinoa. Cranberry, Almond Grilled Chicken SaladGreat fall twist on the classic chicken salad. Would be good between two slices of bread, stuffed inside a pita, or scooped over a pile of lettuce.


Favorite furballs. BEST FWENDS FOREVER?!?! Right.


Favorite treat: Butterscotch White Chocolate Wonderful Krispie Treats. Everybody’s favorite sweet treat, on ‘roids! Plus there’s only 3 ingredients!


Favorite travel: 21 Roads to Drive Before You Die. Some harrowing, some breathtaking, all awesome. Really worth a look (and a drive!)


Favorite sip: Pumpkin and Apple Cider Fizz. I’ll take 47, thanks. Shaken, not stirred.


Favorite lounge: Skinny SweatpantsFor some reason I can’t quite put my finger on these skinny sweatpants really appeal to me. I just think they’re too cute!


Favorite DIY: Outdoor Fall LanternsAren’t these cute? They’re not-so-cute craft store lanterns spray painted then filled with– well, I’ll let you click over to read the rest of the instructions. I think they’d look adorable on the front porch or fireplace mantel.

decorative-filled-lanterns 1_mini

Favorite indulge: Skillet Brownies. DYING! Love the fact that this recipe can be made from start to finish in a cast iron skillet. Totally trying this sooner rather than later.


Friday Fav’s

Happy Friday, guys!

I hope your (short) week was great and went by extra fast for you! For some reason, short weeks always seem to drag on and on for me, maybe because I have this expectation that they’re going to be super easy or that Friday will be there in a blink of an eye just because one day was tacked off the “to-do, to-worry, to-go-to-work” list. Either way, I am so glad that the weekend has made it’s appearance once more. I don’t have anything too major planned, with the exception of hopefully, hopefully, HOPEFULLY celebrating my new job!!!!!

As most of you know, I had a huge interview yesterday for a librarian position at the Colorado Academy, a private prep school here in the Denver area. Thank you all for your well-wishes and for keeping all appendages crossed for me. It truly means the world!

The interview went amazing from start to finish and I can easily say that I have never felt more confident going in and coming out. The library staff as well as the principle were wonderful, so welcoming and kind. They also shared my love of learning and books, which made me like them even more. The culture and teaching focus of CA was pretty spectacular, something I haven’t seen or worked with before as I come from a public school background; all of the students that attend have very high aptitudes and are eager to learn. Because it is a private school, they don’t have to adhere to the standard ways of teaching (i.e. putting so much emphasis on standardized testing, curriculum limits, etc.). This gives the teachers, as well as the librarians ample flexibility and creativity to develop fun and engaging activities, lessons and projects for the students, getting them better prepared for higher education and more importantly, getting them excited about learning!

I can’t even tell you how much I wanted to do a happy dance right then and there when I was learning about this school’s philosophies and goals.

I mean, that’s SO ME!!

During the interview, I not only was able to tour the school campus (I’m telling you, this school was nicer and bigger than most of the colleges I have seen) and meet with and talk to the library team as well as  the principle of the school but I was also able to sit in on a classroom storytime visit (I instantly fell in love with the students!) and was invited to lunch with the head librarian of the Lower School library with whom I would be working with.

Have you ever wanted anything so bad, you couldn’t see straight?

For the past 24 hours, I have been in a constant state of haze, my vision most certainly not 20/20.

I haven’t heard anything yet but am hoping, hoping, HOPING that they let me know by the end of the day today. I don’ think, actually, I KNOW I won’t be able to make it through the weekend without knowing either way.

Hurry up and wait is not one of my favorite pastimes.

But in the meantime, to keep myself distracted, I’m going to check out these favorite finds ‘o mine from around the web and more in this week’s edition of Friday Fav’s.

And you should too!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

Favorite fall: White Chocolate Pumpkin Snickerdoodles. The folks at Trader Joe’s recently told me that all their pumpkin products are coming in next week – whee! In the meantime, I’ll be over here drooling over these chewy pumpkin-spiced snickerdoodles. 🙂


Favorite fashion. Ok, if fall food isn’t getting you excited for the next couple of months, maybe this charming fall outfit will. LOVE me some fall boots, scarves and sweaters!


Favorite breakfast: Cinnamon-Pumpkin Waffles with a Caramel Syrup. I saw this photo on my Instagram feed a few days ago and my mouth instantly began to water. I want to take a swim in that caramel syrup!


Favorite funny: 21 Actual Analogies Used by High School Students in English Essays. I found this floating around Facebook the other day and was dyying. #14…I can’t even.


Favorite “take me there”: 19 Truly Charming Places To See Before You Die. Good grief this roundup just gave me the travel bug.


Favorite jam remix: Because Jimmy Fallon, The Roots and I both know that it’s All About That Bass. LOVE this song!!! And the message is frogging amazing!

Favorite crave: Chicken and Dumplings. Ok I promise I’ll stop with the cold weather posts after this recipe, but how perfect do these dumplings look? Chewy and dense. Will definitely be giving them a go this fall.

The-Best-Chicken-and-Dumplings- -Le-Creudet-Giveaway-3-The-Hopeless-Housewife_mini

Favorite tip: How to Print Your Instagram Pictures Anywhere. This is an awesome tip – especially if you want to make an Instagram wall!


Favorite find. BaHA – so true. I think it would make more sense to say, “Home is where the pants aren’t ON” (that’s just the grammar nerd in me), but I think you get it 😉


Favorite pooch: Dapper Dog. What a gentleman!


Favorite flip: Rice Krispie Treat Frosting. Rice Krispie Treats in my frosting? Genius!



Friday Fav’s

Hellllllloooooooo (said, of course, in this voice)!

Happy Friday, friends–and three-day weekend!! Whoopwhoop! Two weeks ago I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to go down to Georgia and surprise the fam. I was lucky enough to find plane tickets for super cheap and am flying out tomorrow morning to spend the weekend with the whole Hansen crew, as well as my friends who I haven’t seen in forever and a day. To say that I’m excited would be an understatement.

It also just so happens that the Decatur Book Festival is happening this weekend so naturally, I might possibly perhaps really have to gotta make an appearance. The Decatur Book Festival is the largest independent book festival in the country and one of the five largest overall. There will be book signings, author readings, panel discussions, live music, parades, cooking demonstrations, poetry slams and even writing workshops. One of my favorite authors Emily Giffin (who wrote books like Something Borrowed, Something Blue, Where the Heart Is, and Love the One You’re With) is going to be speaking and doing a book signing of her newest read, One and Only (which is really, really, good btw!). I’m hoping I can get an autograph and speak to her about her amazing work, maybe get some advice, you know, from one writer to another (without being too embarrassingly fan-girly).

I hope that you all have an amazing weekend full of fun, laughs and of course, lots of yummy food, but in the meantime, be sure to check out my favorite finds from around the web and more in this week’s edition of my Friday Fav’s 🙂

Favorite instagram: Murad Osmann. I featured this insta-famous photographer in a Friday Favorites post last year, and recently “rediscovered” him again. The shots he posts of his girlfriend leading him by the hand to exotic places around the world have just gotten better and better. You must check him out!


Favorite frosty: Birthday Cake Milkshake. Noms. Just all of the noms.


Favorite travel: Havasu Falls, AZ. This picture is equal parts barf-inducing (don’t look down!) and exhilarating. Havasu Falls inside the Grand Canyon has been on my must-see list for a few years now, and this is by far the coolest view I’ve seen of it.


Favorite “fashion”: Mossimo Lightweight Hoodie. It feels a tad ridiculous to tell you about a lightweight hoodie I recently bought at Target but I freaking LOVE this thing. It’s just t-shirt fabric so I don’t get too hot in it, but it’s the perfect weight for warming me against the chill of the AC. I hardly take the thing off inside my house!


Favorite pup: Wet Dog. Cracking up at these pictures of wet dogs mid-bath. Poor poochies!


Favorite bite: Flourless Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Mini Blender Muffins. Mini peanut butter + chocolate chip muffins made in a blender? I am not mad at that!


Favorite truth. Rock your weird. Own your weird. Be proud of your weird 🙂

If you're going to be weird be confident about it_mini

Favorite funny. Story of my life. No bag left behind!


Favorite “Um…?”: Ham Dogger. Call me the weirdest person alive, but I cannot get over this ham dogger contraption. I mean…right?! Hilarious!


Favorite woah: Lake House in Muskoka, Ontario, CA. Forget the ham dogger, get me this place, stat!


Favorite reading nook: Carrying more than 5000 books and measuring more than 430 feet long, the Logos Hope is the world’s largest floating bookstores. The Logos Hope is operated by a German charity organization, and its mission is to take books, education, and community outreach around the world. How amazing is that?! Alll aboard!!



Favorite redo: Homemade Diva (Ding) Dongs. I can’t decide what’s more awesome – the creamy center of these individual-sized chocolatey cakes…or the name. Bahaha! 😀




Friday Fav’s

Hey guys (and gals)!

Happy Friday!

So super important question for ya: How is it that the days seem to keep along like a turtle in a snails costume yet the weeks go by faster than a Superman on a speeding bullet?

Yikes. That was almost too many analogies even for me.

See, this is what happens when it’s a Friday afternoon and your brain is complete mush.

Mush, I tell you.

Thankfully I have two whole days to relax and de-mushify, as do you my dear friends. Any fun plans?

I’m pet sitting for my aunt and uncle which I’m tres excited about. I need to get my pet fix in whenever and however much I can. They have two cats; one who’s kleptomania makes Wynona Ryder look like a saint (her favorite thing to steal is hair ties which she keeps hidden in her not-so-secret stash down in the basement) and one who growls. I never even knew that cats could do that!! They also have a dog, Bodie, who is the sweetest thing that you ever did see, with the exception of my pup Thunder of course. He’s getting to that age now where it takes him a bit longer to do the things he loves to do (go for walks, terrify the cats, etc.) but every once in a while I will catch a mischievous spark in his eye, a glimpse of the young puppy he once was.

Other than that, I don’t really have all that much on the docket. I’m conserving my energy for next weekend when I fly down to Georgia (my home away from home away from home) to surprise my family over the Labor Day weekend. Work has been a pain in my bum lately and I figured it would be a great chance to get out of town, clear my head and see my family, my pooch, and my wonderful southern pals that I haven’t seen since making the move to Colorado and that I miss oh so mucho.

Whatever you have planned for this weekend, I hope that you are able to squeeze in some fun and relaxation, but until then, be sure to check out my favorites from around the web and more in this week’s Friday Fav’s 🙂

Favorite jam: Bang, Bang. Just try not to shake what your momma gave you to this new song from my girls Nicki, Jessie and Ariana.

Favorite pick-up line: Like, SO hard.


Favorite slurp: White Chicken Chili. Ahhh, can you feel it? Can you smell it? Okay, maybe not yet seeing as it was a balmy 96 degrees yesterday. But I promise, fall is right around the corner. And one of my favorite things to do once the temperatures drop and the air gets crisp is to make a giant vat of this delicious chili. And it’s an easy dump-and-cook crock pot meal! And you know how much this girl loves her crock pot. Actually, I pretty much live and die by my crock pot in the fall/winter months. YUMM-O.


Favorite scrub-a-dub-dub: A book shower curtain?!?! I need. I want. I must have!!!


Favorite dating dilemma: I mean, I am quite the catch 😉


Favorite funny: Chandler Bing dancing on things. I think I just laughed uncontrollably for ten minutes.


Favorite treat: Golden Graham S’mores bars. The classic campfire treat in bar-form? I’m sold!


Favorite photo: Outside of a giant library full of my favorite books, this is a lot what I imagine heaven to look  like. Stunning.


Favorite take-me-there: Mont St. Michel, France. And THIS is what I imagine the real-life Hogwarts to look like. AHHHmazing!


Favorite pooch: Noms. Just all of the cuteness.


Favorite drool: White Chocolate Ritz Fluffernutter Bars. Um….holy sweet and salty goodness, Batman! I’ve just added something to my to-do list this weekend!