My Awesomely Random Life (and Everything in Between)

Posts tagged ‘New York City Library’

My Trip to the Big Apple (in pictures)

“There is something in the New York air that makes sleep useless.” –Simone de Beauvoir


Reunited and it feels SO SO SO SO good!! Love her to the moon and back. And then to the moon and back once more. ❤


$5, $5 footlong...oh wait. This is THAT Subway...

$5, $5 footlong…oh wait. This is THAT Subway…



Living out my Gossip Girl fantasy sitting on the steps of the MET. You think Blaire Waldorf would let me borrow a headband?

Living out my Gossip Girl fantasy sitting on the steps of the MET. You think Blaire Waldorf would let me borrow a headband?

I couldn't get over how many parks were in the city! Bryant Park was one of my fav's :)

I couldn’t get over how many parks were in the city! Bryant Park was one of my fav’s 🙂

THE New York Public Library..sigh*

THE New York Public Library..sigh*

Really. I think I could've just moved in to the place. Actually, I may or may not have tried.

Really. I think I could’ve just moved in to the place. Actually, I may or may not have tried.

It's hip to be [Times] Square.

It’s hip to be [Times] Square.

Oh baby...come to momma. My name is Wendi Hansen, and I am a macaron-aholic.

Oh baby…come to momma. My name is Wendi Hansen, and I am a macaron-aholic.

This restaurant has clearly goneto the dogs. If you ever visit NYC, be sure to check out Fred's on the upper west side. Great food. Even better décor!

This restaurant has clearly goneto the dogs. If you ever visit NYC, be sure to check out Fred’s on the upper west side. Great food. Even better dĂ©cor!

THE highlight of my trip by far (besides being able to spend some much needed time with the besty). A trip to Tom's Diner (aka Monk's Café from Seinfeld). "I'll have the big salad." Dream. Come. True.

THE highlight of my trip by far (besides being able to spend some much needed time with the besty). A trip to Tom’s Diner (aka Monk’s CafĂ© from Seinfeld). “I’ll have the big salad.” Dream. Come. True.