My Awesomely Random Life (and Everything in Between)


Hey dudes and dudets!

Happy hump day! How are y’all doing? Are you hanging in there?

I’ve got some great news! Besides having there be only two days left until the weekend is happily upon us (whoohoo!) AND that by this time next week, I will officially be a working gal again (thank golly) AND that Sonic has half price shakes every night after 8 starting tonight (I am SO there…a cookies and cream monstrosity of deliciousness is calling my name)…

I found out yesterday that This, That and the Other Thang was nominated by my dear friend and overall amazing gal Annie over at What’s Annie Making (be sure to check her out!) for the Versatile Blogger Award!

I am so very honored and grateful for Annie, as well as all of you out there who continually give me inspiration and reason to keep writing. It was a little over a year ago that This, That and the Other Thang was started. I have always loved to write and found this little blog that could was not only a great way to exercise that creative muscle ‘o mine, but it was also a way to reach out and connect with you, the readers, as well as the rest of the blogging community.  I am so very excited and truly over the moon that you all have enjoyed this journey of my somewhat crazy, silly and laughable life shenanagins and I can’t wait to see where the next year goes! Life is most definitley a rollercoaster and I am so glad that I have such an amazing group of people to ride along with with me!

As part of this nomination, I get to pass the Versatile Blogger Award on, paying it forward if you will (by the way…great movie!), to 15 of my fellow bloggers who I have recently discovered or that I have been following regularily. One of the reasons why I decided to start my own blog was largely in part to following a good deal of these fabulous bloggers and I am excited to share them with you! Here are 15 blogs that I love (and that you are sure to love too!).

1. Carrots and Cake– Tina’s blog is chock-full of really yummy recipes, exercise and wellness tiptios, her adorable pug Murphy and of course lots of of fun!

2. Peanut Butter Fingers-Julie’s blog was actually the very first blog that I have ever read and gave me the writing itch to start one of my very own. She is a lover of all things peanut butter and books (a kindred spirit of mine) is is always sharing great food, fitness and fashion advice.

3. The Hungry Runner Girl-Janae is seriously the cutest gal I have met! I say ‘met’ because it feels like we are BFF’s. She loves to write about her marathon running experiences, her love of family and friends and of course…FOOD! I am so glad that my string cheese addiction is shared by someone else besides me.

4. Eating Bender– Jenn is a writer from Chicago who is amazeballs. She loves sharing her healthy lifestyle, traveling, writing and family experiences while at the same time, serving up a whole lot of fun.

5. My Food N’ Fitness Diaries– Ashley is oh so cute! Her blog shares her life’s adventures as she tries to lead a balanced lifestyle that includes delicious healthy recipes and fun workouts (with a few treats thrown in there too)!

6. What’s Annie Making– Annie is pretty much the bees knees! Not only is she the sweetest, but her blog is always full of fun stories and even sweeter and more delicious treats and recipe ideas. You can’t help but smile when reading her blog!

7.  The Awkward List– You know those times in life, those little things that are so awkward, so bathos that you just have to say…”Oh my stars”B? This blog is composed of all of those times in life, those little things. Be ready to laugh your booty off.

8. This is the Food Life– My good friend Mal is pretty darn awesome! Her blog is super fun, full of crazy life happenings, food, family, and her pup Riley and will have you smiling from ear to ear.

9. Iowa Girl Eats– Kristin is so full of spunk and has some amazing and yummy recipe ideas.

10. Peanut Butter and Jenny– Jenny is so very kind and honest and I love her views on living the best life that you can. Both her and I struggled at one point in our lives with eating issues and I am so inspired by her strength and zeal for being healthy and happy. Something we all can relate to. Plus her photography skills are dope, yo!

11.Eat, Live, Run- Jenna’s blog is also one of the first that I stumbled upon many a year ago and fell in love upon first glance. I love her fun personality and great food and fashion ideas. Plus she has mad photography skillz, yo!

12. Reasons Why I’m Still Single– You ever have those moments where it dawns on you just how single you are? This is a page devoted to all of those hilariously tragic reminders. LOL! Too funny for words. And sad because I can relate to many of these…

13. The Problem With Young People Today is– It’s like talking to my great grandma over graham crackers and milk all over again. Super hilarious and pretty much right on the money.

14.The Blog of Unnecessary Quotes– The grammar nerd in me LOVES this blog! And it’s pretty darn funny to boot.

15. A Whole Lot of Nothing– Angie is not afraid to be her funny and crazy and all-around goofy self…and I love her for it!

There you have it folks, 15 of my favorite blogs/bloggers. Be sure to check them out and leave them a little love.

The second part of receiving this award entails me to share 7 things about yours truly.

1. I could LIVE on cereal and cereal alone. My favorite go-to? I love a little  a lot of Tony the Tiger action!

2. I am left handed (shout out to all my fellow lefties out there!) but I am also ambidextrious and use my right hand over it’s counterpart for some things. For example: I write left, golf left and eat left. I throw right and use a toothbrush/hair brush/can opener right. And when it comes to batting, I am both baby. Weird huh?

3. I have a birthmark on my left arm and when I was little, everyone at school used to think it was chocolate.

4. One of my wishes: To throw out a first pitch at a Brewers game. Hey, if Miss America can do it, so can I.

5. I can recite and playout every Seinfeld episode ever, word for word. I’ve even got Elaine’s dance down pat. Probably THE greatest shows of all time.

6. I’ve never been out of the country but my number one bucket list item is to go to Italy.

7. I am getting my Master’s in Library Science. Yup. That’s right. I want to be a librarian. I’ve always been the biggest bookworm ever and can’t imagine a better and more amazing job that this, spending my everydays and nights surrounded by books upon books. Plus, I’ve already got the sexy glasses 😉

Have a great rest of your night guys and thank you again! 🙂



Comments on: "Honored" (2)

  1. Wait a second here – so not only are you a Milwaukee girl, you also play GOLF? Amazing! We must play sometime. I’m actually playing in a tournament with my mom this week!

    I’m a big bookworm, too, and I would love to go to Italy! The similarities continue…

    Thank you so much for the award and shout out! You made my night. 🙂

    • We must be friends! And I would love to bring out the clubs and play with you girly! In all honesty, I am definitely more of a mini-golf kinda girl but every so often I get out on the big links too lol. Have a blast this playing with your mom in the tournament and kick (or putt?) some bootay!

      And You are so very welcome Jenn! I love reading your blog! You always have a way of bringing a smile to my face so I think I owe you a mucho thank you too! Keep doing your thang, hun! 🙂

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