My Awesomely Random Life (and Everything in Between)

Posts tagged ‘Rice Krispie treats’

Thoughts on a Thursday

1. I’ve got a fever, guys. SPRING FEVER! The last few days here in Denver have been absolutely glorious and it’s defintely making me even more excited that spring is just around the corner which means warmer weather, baseball, cute dresses, baseball, hikes in the mountains, baseball, baseball, and oh hey, baseball!

2. Speaking of baseball, this is the first year in a long time that I am going to miss the Brewers’ Opening Day in Milwaukee (just 25 more days!!!). I just started my new job and unfortunately the ‘ol vacation time doesn’t kick in quite yet, however you better believe I will be watching and cheering and rooting on my guys from afar (although I do find it ironic that they’re playing the Rockies). Good news is that they’re coming out here this summer for a three-game series (if you need me June 19-21, I’ll be at Coors Field double-fisting a hot dog and an ice-cold lemonade).

3. Last night before I went to bed, I haphazardly threw my hair up into a messy bun just to get it out of my face and it ended up looking amazing! So naturally this morning when I tried to replicate the chic “just rolled out of bed” look, I ended up looking like Pigpen (but without the whole dust storm thing).


4.  This proposal. Not gonna lie, I was crying even before he got to the actual proposal part. SO. DARN. CUTE.

5. It was in this proposal video that I first discovered the amazingness that is Anthem Lights. I’ve had these guys on serious repeat the past few days. Obsessed. Their song Best Thing will give you all the feels. Listen now, thank me later.

6. So there’s this game called Settlers of Catan and apparently, it’s just the best thing since sliced cheese. And apparently I’m the only one who has never heard of or played the silly thing. I’m getting together tomorrow night with some friends to finally play it and will report back on how gouda it really is (see what I did there?).

7. Anyone else eat freshly made Rice Krispie treats for breakfast? No? Just me? Hey, stick anything in a bowl with a fork and you’ve got a meal. #SnapCracklePop


8. It just hit me that in about a month I will be turning 28. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?! I’ve just decided that I’m going to stay 27 forever. I’ll let you know how that works out.

9. If I look over my shoulder while walking at night, I’m not afraid of getting mugged, I’m just checking to see if it’s safe to fart. FYI.

10. TOMORROW’S FRIYAY!!!! ‘Nuff said.

Have a great Thursday, y’all! 🙂