My Awesomely Random Life (and Everything in Between)

Posts tagged ‘Mental Health Awareness’

A Love Note to You on #MentalHealthDay

I was going to start this by saying that I’m sorry for always talking so much about #mentalhealth but then I caught myself and audibly had a lil chuckle.

Because why would I ever apologize??

This stuff is super dupes IMPORTANT and I am more than willing to hold the gauntlet any day.

For a good portion of my day today, I laid on my couch, hung out with my cats, and held ice packs over my swollen eyes. A direct result of having yet another sleepless night where I tossed and turned, anxiety taking hold of the steering wheel. Life has been kind of heavy and hard as of late, and when it gets that way, I have a difficult time turning my brain off. I worry, I contemplate, I try to quiet the thoughts of defeat, failure, fear, and uneasiness that run circles in my mind. It’s a whole process, really. Maybe you can relate?

Have I been better? You’re darn tootin. But I also have never been stronger.

That’s a funny concept with mental health. It sometimes appears to others that you’re living a perfect life, thriving – when in reality you’re completely falling apart. On the other hand, it can appear to them that you’re suffering – when actually you’re fighting and flourishing. It really can be both.

The truth is, despite it all, I love this big ‘ol beautiful jumble of a brain that I have. She is clever, she is strange, she is painfully empathetic. She would give the shirt off of her back to a complete stranger if they needed it more, she loves anything and everything she comes across. She has felt a lot (thank goodness for writing) but most importantly, she has fought.

She has fought for who she knows she is. For the person she knows was handmade by the wittiest, most sovereign of artists. She has never given up. And deserves to remember those things. YOU deserve to remember those things.

Even — and especially when — your brain is convincing you of the opposite. In the deepest part of your spirit, you know who you REALLY are. Please keep showing up for them! For us! We are all worth that.

On #MentalHealthDay (a day that should be every day tbh), I wanted to remind you that taking care of yourself is productive and a priority.

Check in on yourself, on your loved ones. You only have one head and one heart and they beat and think in only the most uniquely you way possible. Be sure to give them a lil TLC.

And if you ever need to chat, about anything, I am always just a text, DM, phone call, and surprise drop-in with coffee and donuts away.

The Fog Will Lift

Anxiety is a weird thing, friends.

Honestly, life is a beautifully weird thing.

Since a very young age, I’ve struggled with feeling anxious, worried and at times, just so overwhelmed.

Maybe you can relate?

When I feel things, I feel them fully and without conviction. I not only carry the weight of my own heart, but I also carry that of others as well. When the ones I love are hurting, I hurt. When people around me are scared, sad and suffering, I feel that pain. And I try to do everything I can to make it better, to make them feel better. Sometimes at the detriment to my own mental health.

My wonderful and amazing boyfriend Mike told me that being an empath is one of my greatest attributes, and he’s absolutely right. It makes me who I am. In a world that can often be so cruel and hard, I remain soft, caring, kind, hopeful. And I honestly think that’s pretty incredible.

But friends, feeling all the things and trying to carry those burdens can also be one of my biggest downfalls.

You see, when you take on that much heaviness, it can start to wear on you. Two years ago I experienced my first panic attack. Multiple, actually. I had never felt so completely not in control of my own body before. It was terrifying. My heart was racing. Every breath I took felt like concrete coursing through my lungs. It was almost as if there was this dark and menacing cloud that I just couldn’t get out of.

The panic attacks haven’t been nearly as frequent as they once were, but I still have moments of doubt, of fear, of helplessness. I think that’s all part of being human.

May is #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, an opportunity to truly bring to light the importance of looking after your head and your heart, and to have these sometimes difficult but open, honest and poignant dialogues and discourse about the struggles we all can face from time to time.

I have the most amazing life, and am blessed beyond measure for so many different reasons. But it’s important for me to be honest. And the truth is, I still struggle asking for help, and still feel bad anytime I feel bad.

That’s a funny concept with mental health.

It can sometimes appear to others that you’re living this perfect life, thriving – when in reality you’re struggling to keep your head above water. On the other hand, it can appear to people on the outside that you’re suffering – when actually you’re fighting and flourishing. It really can be both.

Despite it all, I love this big ole mess of a brain that I have. She is clever, she is funny, she is kind and positive and painfully empathetic. She doesn’t know a stranger, she loves anything and everything she comes across. She has felt a lot (thank goodness for writing 😅) but most importantly, she has fought. She has fought for who she knows she is. For the person she knows was handmade by the wittiest, most sovereign of artists. She has never given up. And deserves to remember those things. YOU deserve to remember those things. Even when your brain is convincing you of the opposite. In the deepest part of your spirit, you know who you REALLY are. Please keep showing up for them! For us! We are all worth that.

There will be days that are a little rockier, a little heavier, a little harder.

And on those days, I try to remind myself to simply: Try.

Try to breathe.

Try to be kind to myself.

Try to listen to my needs.

Try to write.

Try to move.

Try my best.

Try again.

Just, try.

So this is me trying.

Breathing, being, believing that just as it always has, the fog will lift. And whatever space you’re in right now, I hope you’ll keep trying too. Because this world needs both of us. All of us.

We can do this.

The fog will lift.

Let’s try together. 💚